Vintage Shopping Out (Poster)

Poster design - Laura Lazar.
Photograph - Samo Fleïhan.

AAinter9 // 2010/2011

The BULLish Team:

C h r i s + L i a m + C h r i s

Chris Matthews + Liam Young + Christopher Pierce


El Maresme | Forum, Barcelona

jump | wheelie | paint

Westminster Bridge Road, London


Westminster Bridge Road, London

@LONDONeye (ii)

Westminster Bridge Road, London

@LONDONeye (i)

Westminster Bridge Road, London

The Painter

South Bank, London

Westminster AM (ii)

Trafalgar Square, London

Necesito un bol.

ISOR ceramic bowls...

i n e r r o

Saifi, Beirut, Lebanon

Fleihan Station

Saoufar, Lebanon

AA Inter. 9 Unit Exhibition:

Architecture Association, Bedford Square, London

"...Floating mirror?!"

The construction of Inter9's Exhibition f0r the Projects Review Exhibition July 2011.

Architecture Association, Bedford Square, London